Carefully inspect the screen for abnormalities.Press and hold Button 3 for 5 seconds.The monitor will now enter self-test mode. Unplug the video cable(s) from the back of the computer or the monitor.

Make sure that the screen is clean (no dust particles on the surface of the screen).When you notice screen abnormalities like distortion, clarity, horizontal or vertical lines, color fade etc., it is always a good practise to isolate the monitor by running the Built-In Diagnostics. Your Dell S2719DGF monitor has a built-in diagnostic tool that helps to determine if the screen abnormality you are experiencing is a problem with the monitor or with the video card on your computer. To learn more about connecting your monitor to the PC, refer to the Dell knowledge-base article How do I connect a monitor to a PC?. Connect the USB upstream cable to the monitor and PC (if applicable).Connect the HDMI or DisplayPort cable to the corresponding video or display port on the back of your PC and the monitor.Turn off your PC and disconnect the power cable.To connect your Dell S2719DGF monitor to your PC: You may need to adjust your chair height or the height of the monitor to achieve this. The monitor should be directly in front of you, at an arm’s length away (between 20-40 inches from your eyes), with the top edge of the screen at eye level when you’re sitting comfortably. Where you put your monitor is almost as important as what model you buy. To learn how to setup any other stand with a monitor, refer to the respective stand setup guide for setup instructions.

To learn more about attaching the standard monitor stand, refer to the Setting Up the Monitor section in the User's Guide of your Dell S2719DGF monitor. The standard monitor stand is detached when the monitor is shipped from the factory. Ensuring that your Dell monitor is setup properly - assembling the monitor stand and setting up the monitor ergonomically, connecting the cables and organizing them, will only help make the viewing experience the best it possibly can be.